Cesarean section in nulliparous women at Quang Ngai Hospital for Children and Women: A study
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Nguyen, X. M., & Truong, Q. V. (2023). Cesarean section in nulliparous women at Quang Ngai Hospital for Children and Women: A study. Vietnam Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 20(4), 43-49. https://doi.org/10.46755/vjog.2022.4.1378


Objectives: 1. To determine rate and indications for cesarean section in nulliparous women at Quang Ngai Hospital for Children and Women. 2. To evaluate results of cesarean section and related factors in study subjects.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study in nulliparous pregnant women who ended their pregnancy at the Department of Obstetrics, Quang Ngai Hospital for Children and Women for Obstetrics and Gynecology, from October 2020 to June 2021.

Results: There were 917/2,035 (45.1%) nulliparous women underwent CS. The most common reason for CS were from genital tract (53.9%), followed by fetal/fetal presentation (43.2%), appendages of the fetus (34.6%) and maternal problems (16.0%). Common indications for CS due to genital tract were non-progressive cervix (30.6% and low Bishop score (23.1%). The main indication due to fetal’ appendages was preterm premature/premature rupture of membranes (74.2%), followed by oligohydramnios (20.4%). Fetal failure was the most common fetal cause, accounting for 61.9%, followed by macrosomia (13.1%) and abnormal presentation (18.6%). Most common maternal indications were preeclampsia/eclampsia (28.6%), infertility (27.9%) and adolescent mothers (17.0%). Surgical method: 100% of women had a low-transverse uterine incision for CS; spinal anesthesia was the main anesthesia method (93.7%). Rates of intraoperative and postoperative complications were very low (0.9% - 1.2%); complications during surgery included bleeding 0.5%, uterine atony 0.3% and hematoma 0.1%; postoperative complications included abdominal wall infection 0.5%, uterine atony 0.4%, paralytic ileus 0.2% and abdominal hematoma 0.1%; most infants were born at full term (95.0%); the percentages of 1 min and 5 min APGAR < 7 were very low, children with birth defects accounted for only 0.8%; most women had postoperative length of stay (LOS) ≤ 7 days (97.4%); the proportion of women having > 7 days LOS was higher in the group with intraoperative or postoperative complications (p < 0.05); rates of patients with > 7 days LOS after CS were not different between groups of anesthesia method, gestational age, gestational weight and CS technique (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: CS performed with appropriate indications is safe and improves the survival and health of both mothers and babies.


caesarean section, nulliparous, obstetrics, Quang Ngai
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