Initial evaluation treatment results of laparoscopic pectopexy in the management of uterine prolapse
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Cách trích dẫn

Vo, P. L., Hoang, T. H., Ho, T. T. H., Pham, H. P., & Vo, V. D. (2023). Initial evaluation treatment results of laparoscopic pectopexy in the management of uterine prolapse. Tạp Chí Phụ sản, 21(1), 66-72.

Tóm tắt

Background: In recent years, laparoscopic pectopexy has become increasingly prevalent in the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse; nonetheless, this technique has only been used at Khanh Hoa General Hospital since 2020.

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of laparoscopic pectopexy in patients with uterine prolapse and to evaluate the quality of life of patients after the surgery.

Subjects and methods: A case series with follow-up on 58 patients with uterine prolapse ≥ grade 2, who had laparoscopic pectopexy at Khanh Hoa General Hospital between February 2020 and July 2021.

Results: Complication rates during and after the procedure were low, blood loss was minimal, and there were no instances requiring blood transfusions during the procedure. During a 6-month follow-up, no patient had surgical infection, erosion, or transplant rejection. The typical procedure lasted between 90 and 120 minutes. Most postoperative patients only had minor discomfort. The recurrence rate was minimal (1.7%) during the 6-month follow-up period. 95% of patients were satisfied with the surgical procedure. Prior to surgery, the QoL of patients was relatively poor, with a mean PFDI-20 (Pelvic Floor Distress Intervention) score of 130 and a PFIQ-7 (Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire) score of 148. The worse the uterine prolapse, the worse the patient’s quality of life. Three months after surgery, the average PFDI-20 score was 8 and the average PFIQ-7 score was 10; six months after surgery, the average scores for these two indices were nearly 0.

Conclusion: If there are no contraindications, laparoscopic pectopexy should be utilized to treat uterine prolapse.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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