Tóm tắt
Objectives: To study the value of βhCG on day 11 after embryo transfer in predicting the early outcome of pregnancy after in vitro fertilization.
Materials and methods: A prospective descriptive study was examined on 148 cycles that satisfied inclusion criteria that the βhCG concentration at day 11 after IVF was higher or equal to 25mIU/ml. This research was conducted at Hue center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility from December 2019 to July 2022. The cycles that met the inclusion criteria were followed up to 12 weeks of gestation. Comparing the variation of the βhCG level between different groups: biochemical/clinical pregnancy, singleton/multiple pregnancy, and ongoing pregnancy/early fetal loss. ROC curves were used to calculate the serum βhCG cutoff levels with maximum sensitivity and specificity to predict early pregnancy outcomes.
Results: The mean concentration of serum βhCG of clinical pregnancy was significantly higher than that of biochemical pregnancy (631.4 ± 433.6 mIU/ml vs 150.9 ± 182.8 mIU/ml); that of multiple pregnancy was significantly higher than that of singleton pregnancy (935.6 ± 460.6 mIU/ml vs. 558.3 ± 388.1 mIU/ml); and that of ongoing pregnancy was significantly higher than that of early fetal loss (619.4 ± 407.8 mIU/ml vs. 327.0 ± 159.1 mIU/ml). The serum βhCG level on day 11 after embryo transfer had a good value in predicting clinical pregnancy at the cutoff of 212.4 mIU/ ml (AUC = 0.900); a moderate value in predicting twin pregnancy at the cutoff of 537.8 mIU/ml (AUC = 0.774) and ongoing pregnancy at the cutoff of 501.3 mIU/ml (AUC = 0.742).
Conclusions: The serum βhCG level on day 11 after blastocyst transfer was a prognostic indicator for early pregnancy outcome after in vitro fertilization which included: clinical pregnancy, twin pregnancy and ongoing pregnancy.
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